As we were leaving town...that smoke is about 20 miles W. of us!

Approaching the fires.

Neighbors herding their cattle down the road and to safety!

Getting closer...that small black dot in the sky is the water helicopter. It was getting water out of my father in laws pond and dousing out fires!

Copter behind the trees and smoke behind the copter!

Here's the helper!!

Arriving at the farm...met by friends and family waiting to help out! Small town is amazing! We have such great friends willing to give of their time! Thanks to everyone!

Some of the cattle...

What next?? My father in law to the far right! These were his cattle and he was the most calm one out there!

Cattle loaded and headed to safety! There were 27 head + their babies that headed for the canyon when they were spooked by the helicopter. They were all in the corral but one and when it flew over...they were off and running!

That is NOT a snow scene!!

Black as far as we could see!

It looked like this everywhere!

Charred trees everywhere!

Fire trucks and tanker trucks were everywhere! We even saw some from TX!


Airplane flying over...

More cattle along the road. Fences were cut all over the place to allow the cattle to head for safety. Hope they all had brands on them!!

Last picture before we headed home. Somewhat under control but still flaming!
We desperately need rain!! Fires keep popping up over and over again. So much land has been burned. People have lost cattle. It's a mess! Pray for the safety of the firemen that are out there working their tails off trying to get it all under control.
Yesterday we went to help my Father in law try and round up his cattle. We got a little too close for comfort! As you can see from the pictures! All of you that have rain...send it our way!! It's almost 5:00 pm and the fire whistle just blew here in town again!